Jobs for Robots: Between Robocalypse and Robotopia by Jason Schenker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Jobs for Robots: Between Robocalypse and Robotopia by Jason Schenker is a fascinating look at the implications that may arise with advances in technology. As the author of several best selling books, and a self-described futurist, Schenker is well qualified to write on this subject. Somewhere between a doomsday scenario where robots perform all the functions of labor, to a more pragmatic version where robots actually aid and assist, Schenker finds a happy medium. There is much to absorb in this book from highly interesting data showing the decline of certain industries, and the jobs within those industries, to learning about the background of common names like Smith, Miller, and Weaver, the author makes history and learning about the advances of the industrial revolution accessible and even entertaining. This is a must read for anyone interested in economies, technology, the workforce and labor, and econometrics. Lucid and clearly written, this book is strongly recommended.
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