Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Neostoicism 2.0 by Robert Woolston

Neostoicism 2.0: Stoicism, Christianity & Personal Empowerment for the 21st CenturyNeostoicism 2.0: Stoicism, Christianity & Personal Empowerment for the 21st Century by Robert Woolston
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Neostoicism 2.0: Stoicism, Christianity & Personal Empowerment for the 21st Century by Robert Woolston is a bit of a challenge to read, but is a rewarding read nonetheless. In the preface, the author breaks out how the book is written into sections as follows: Ancient Greek Stoicism, Christianity, Neostoicism 1.0, Neostoicism 2.0. The author recommends reading each section in sequence to fully understand his methodology. He details examples of neostoicism at work, with it's seeming inception during an exchange between Alexander the Great and Diogenes. This moment becomes an example of transcendence and equality in the philosophical world, and sets the stage for this new philosophy. Contained herein are great history lessons, alluding to how powerful the ancient Greeks were, in particular the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius as possibly the most famous of all stoics. From there the author moves on to Christian theology, and ultimately to Flemish humanist Justus Lipsius, who may be considered the father of Stoicism. As a way of life, neostoicism is presented as a moral alternative, and while humans enjoy free will, ultimately, man must submit to God so as not to be overcome by passions or instincts. An intellectually stimulating book that will certainly expand your knowledge of neostoicism.

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