Thursday, February 16, 2017

Sensabria by Darrel Merke

SensabriaSensabria by Darrel R. Merke
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sensabria by Darrel Merke is a superbly creative work of science fiction. It is very evident that Merke has talent, not only with the words he uses, but in creating magical worlds. Astronaut and pilot Cole Daniels, in the year 2063, leaves for what he thinks is a distant planet, only to find himself and his peers back on earth. They discover a small city called Sensabria, and from there the confusion and wonderment begin. Merke does a great job of describing the technological advances that are integral in the heart of Sensabria. He has created a beautiful place to visit, but the reader and Cole, the main character, are left wondering if what they see is real. With a few little interjections of humor, and subtle romance with a Sensabrian woman and Cole, Sensabria is a solid entry in the science fiction/fantasy genre. Plot twists keep the reader guessing until the end, and set the stage for another installment.

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